Franchise Support Introduction
Is the idea of being in business for yourself, but not by yourself, appealing? Then the question is, "Exactly what can I expect from Environment Control?" Our answer is based on our purpose, "EC . . . It's About Lives™."
We believe the following commitments to every new franchise owner are non-negotiable . . .
Six New Franchises A Year
Both new and existing franchise owners deserve our commitment to their success. Therefore, we limit the sale of new franchises to six per year to avoid overextending corporate staff and resources. We prefer to delay or even lose a franchise sale rather than jeopardize a new or existing owner's future.
Support Services
Environment Control provides professional support services to relieve you of important but time-consuming responsibilities, such as bookkeeping, business insurance, and promotional materials.
Comprehensive Initial Training
To accelerate your "learning curve" in the first year, we combine five days of classroom instruction with three weeks of on-site training. Also, an experienced start-up specialist will work with you each step of the way.
A Step-By-Step Plan
Environment Control's initial training is supplemented by our New Owner Certification Program. For the first twelve months of operation, an experienced EC staff member takes you through a step-by-step plan to ensure that you are thoroughly trained in the critical aspects of the EC business program.
Individuals who are approved for franchise ownership immediately qualify for several financing programs. Some loans even include performance incentives that automatically reduce the loan balance as a reward for your hard work.
Electronic Recordkeeping And Communication
Each franchise is electronically linked to the Environment Control Corporate Office through a state-of-the-art computer system that maximizes visibility, communication, and support.
This is what Environment Control means when we say, "You are in business for yourself, but not by yourself." The fact is, if you are staking your career future on Environment Control, you deserve the same commitment from us. That is why we believe it's not just about business . . . it's about your life!